Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When people say, "It's like finding a needle in a haystack." It usually means that a task is daunting at best. But that is just one way to look at it. Let's take a closer look at that statement. Why is it so hard? Well you have one thing that looks like the others and that thing is very small while the stack is large. OK, that sounds like a very hard task. But it doesn't have to be. If one were to hold a high powered magnet over the haystack; the needle would immediately leave the haystack and jump to the magnet. There you have it. You just found the needle in the haystack within seconds. Doesn't sound so hard now does it?
There is no task that a rational person cannot overcome.
If you let the task intimidate you, then you have already failed it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The evils of Impossibilities

The word impossible should be stricken from every language on the planet. Out of all of the words people use even the profane ones the word impossible is by far the worst. Think about when you last heard the word impossible, and odds are that it was when you wanted something. What did that word do? It crushed a dream you had. Now it may have been a grand dream or just something cool that you thought you would like to see or do. The word impossible does nothing but discourage.
Albert Einstein said, "Nothing is impossible, just mathematically improbable." Even Einstein knew that there was a problem with the word."
I like to think of it this way: Who is qualified to say that something is impossible? No one I have ever met. In order to declare something impossible one would have to know all tries that have ever or will ever be made, and the outcome of all of those tries. If you ever find someone telling you that something is impossible ask them for next week's lottery numbers for they must be all knowing.
This is my take on impossibilities. If we accept that the universe is indeed infinite (which is the current consensus among researchers) then we open up the idea of infinite possibilities. At some time in some place everything is possible. Why not her and why not now?
Don't fall into the trap of impossibilities. It's a dangerous and discouraging to allow a word to control your actions.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A family of three, a father, mother and their nine year old son, had been on their vacation for about a week when they happened upon a traffic incident that had the freeway tied in knots. Traffic was slowly being detoured but the congestion was still awful. As they slowly worked their way closer to the cause of the backup they were able to see the cause of it all. A tractor trailer truck hauling a massive piece of tarp covered equipment was wedged underneath an overpass. It looked as though whatever the truck was hauling was just a bit too large to fit through, and that hitting the overpass at sixty-five miles a hour had wedged it in quite well. There were soldiers surrounding the truck and all types of people milling around, assessing the situation as cars were slowly diverted over a small ramp to the opposite side of the free way.
As they got closer a uniformed man came to their window and as the father lowered it the man said that they were in the process of removing the truck and it was going to be a bit of a wait. The family watched as a large loader was attached to the rear of the trailer and tried to pull it free. After about three minutes of pulling the chain snapped and almost tore a police patrol car in two. The man returned to the window of the family’s car and told them that it would be a longer wait while they got the situation they had just created under control. So, while the men on scene were trying to get a handle on the situation the family mused on how the situation came to be and what should be done.
As the father looked over the situation he said that they were going to have to either take apart whatever was on the truck, or take apart the overpass in order to get the truck out. The mother looked on and wondered why they would have to destroy everything to get it out. She thought that they should just chip away a little of the overpass to get the truck out. The father laughed at her and told her that if they did that it would make the structure of the overpass unsound and they would have to tear it down and rebuild it anyway. After about twenty minutes of talking the man came to the window a third time and told the family that traffic would be moving again in about another half hour. The father asked what they were going to do about the situation and the man responded that there were an army of engineers and military personnel that were trying to get the truck and its cargo unstuck.
After the man left the little boy who had been watching the situation intently climbed over the seat and sat between hi s mom and dad. He had been listening to each of them as they were talking before and after looking at the truck for a few more minutes he tapped his mom on the shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She looked ahead and then her eyes opened wide. She looked over at her husband and said that their son had just asked her a really simple question.
A few minutes later the man stepped out of their car and made his way over to the man that had been informing them about the wait. He asked the man the question that the boy had relayed to his mother. The man looked at him and then at the truck. He then walked over to a group of individuals with clipboards and all sort of computer equipment. He asked them the same question and they stopped what they were doing and took a look at the truck.
Twenty minutes later the loader was hooked up again and it was pulling the truck and its cargo free from the over pass. Fifteen minutes after that traffic was moving again and the road was completely clear.
The question that the little boy asked his mother was, “Why don’t they just let the air out of the tires?”
A small boy’s question solved a problem that a score of city engineers couldn’t solve given hours to analyze the situation. He looked at it from a different perspective.
This blog is going to be dedicated to showing how even in the darkest of times someone can still find some light on this screwed up planet.
There are times in everyone's life when it seems as though darkness will win out and there is no way out of an unpleasant situation. This is never true. The only constant in the universe is change and if you want to change anything all you have to do is change on thing.... (Build for dramatic tension). The one thing that you have to change is your own perception. You may have to look at a salutation from a different vantage point in order to use it to your own advantage.
In this life I have taken a lot from life and filed it away in what passes for a mind, and one thing that I have learned as an absolute fact is that everything is relative to the person experiencing it. So join me in an adventure, and perhaps you will learn something along the way. Know this, everyday is an adventure and there are no ordinary days.

Some of what you read here will be fictional stories that will have some form of truth in them. Remember when you read the word truth that I already said that everything is relative depending on the perception of the reader.
