Sunday, May 9, 2010

The evils of Impossibilities

The word impossible should be stricken from every language on the planet. Out of all of the words people use even the profane ones the word impossible is by far the worst. Think about when you last heard the word impossible, and odds are that it was when you wanted something. What did that word do? It crushed a dream you had. Now it may have been a grand dream or just something cool that you thought you would like to see or do. The word impossible does nothing but discourage.
Albert Einstein said, "Nothing is impossible, just mathematically improbable." Even Einstein knew that there was a problem with the word."
I like to think of it this way: Who is qualified to say that something is impossible? No one I have ever met. In order to declare something impossible one would have to know all tries that have ever or will ever be made, and the outcome of all of those tries. If you ever find someone telling you that something is impossible ask them for next week's lottery numbers for they must be all knowing.
This is my take on impossibilities. If we accept that the universe is indeed infinite (which is the current consensus among researchers) then we open up the idea of infinite possibilities. At some time in some place everything is possible. Why not her and why not now?
Don't fall into the trap of impossibilities. It's a dangerous and discouraging to allow a word to control your actions.

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